Friday, November 21, 2008

Claremont Engagement Photos/ Jessica and George- Hot in the City E-Session!!!

Jessica and George wanted something different for their E-session, so I gave them Hot in the City!!! We hits the streets at night... I loved all of the cool urban areas we happened upon... I am so glad that Jessica and George were open to my funky suggestions. They are such a sweet couple and It was so fun hanging out with them. They will be my first wedding of 2009, in January!!! Here is a sneak peak into their e-session. Enjoy!

Love this one... I don't think George was following the Do Not Enter rule here!

Jessica has the prettiest blue eyes~

I had to play around with a few of the shots...

These next 2 are my favorite Hot Shots!!!

Have a great weekend! I have a wedding tomorrow and I still need to blog my wedding from last week. It should be up on Sunday!
God Bless~

1 comment:

Deb Tracey said...

OMGosh Michelle, these are HOT and so different for an engagement!!! yeah! Great job!!! deb :)