Wednesday, February 11, 2009

National Charity League/Katie

Presenting Miss Katie Jayne... She is another one of the wonderful girls that National Charity League will be presenting this Spring. She is such a sweetheart and it was so fun taking her photos.

Katie wanted a silhouette type of shot, this turned out beautifully...

This is one of my favorite's...

I just love the amber lighting here... Can you tell Katie is a swimmer! Look at those arms. Love them...


Lucia Photography said...

pretty :)

Anonymous said...

Michelle, your photos have grown so much over the years. They keep getting better and better. These photos of Katie and your website are beautiful. Thank you.

Deb Tracey said...

Katie looks stunning! I was just in the pro lab and happened to see how amazing she looks "ENLARGED!!!!" yeah!!!!!! These girls/pics will stop traffic!!!! You did a beautiful job - as usual :} deb