Sunday, May 3, 2009

Upland Children's Photographer/ Matthew turns two!

It is always such a treat to meet the latest Jauret Grandchild. Kathy has been my client for over 10 years and I photograph her grandchildren about every two years. Matthew turned two and got his own private photo session with me. He is so adorable. Chubby cheeks, big hazel brown eyes. You just want to eat him up. Check out these precious shots of him

I know you are so in love with him by now! Look at those dimples!!!

I have of shot like this that I took of my son when he was two, and know he is almost 15! When did I get old???

Matthew LOVES baseball. Look at his big brother's cleats. So cute!

Thanks Kathy for letting me capture these precious moments of Matthew and I look forward to our next session...xoxo


Kathy Jauret said...

h, my Gosh! These are beautiful. I cried when I watched the first go thru. How are we ever going to choose?
I shared the news about your daughter with Shannon. We are putting her and your family on the prayer lists at her church and with my friends. Let Morgan know she will be surrounded by loving prayers.

You do great work!

Love, Kathy

Kathy Jauret said...

Oh, my Gosh! These are beautiful. I cried when I watched the first go thru. How are we ever going to choose?

I shared the news about your daughter with Shannon. We are putting her and your family on the prayer lists at her church and with my friends. Let Morgan know she will be surrounded by loving prayers.

You do great work!

Love, Kathy

Deb Tracey said...

Matthew is adorable and your children's work is lovely. I LOVE the baseball outfit shots (esp. looking down at the feet!!! love that!!! soooooooo cute!!!) -

I have you in my prayers. I slept all day. What a nasty cold. Thank you for being a good friend Michelle. oxoxox deb